Descopera cinci actori care, la inceputul carierei lor, au aparut in.

Aceste seriale mai au si alte 'calitati': au lansat cariera unor nume importante din cetatea filmului american. The Young and the Restless is a Sony Pictures Television presentation in association with Bell Dramatic Serial Company and Corday Productions, Inc. Seriale de televiziune, precum 'Tanar si nelinistit' si 'Santa Barbara', au adunat milioane de fani de-a lungul anilor si au facut istorie datorita longevitatii lor.

Olsen, Jonathan Fishman and Vivian Gundaker, Elizabeth LeBrun Bell and Lee Phillip BellĮXECUTIVE PRODUCER & HEAD WRITER: Josh Griffith When The Young and the Restless premiered in 1973, it revolutionized the daytime drama and 50 seasons later continues to set the standard with strong characters, socially conscious storylines, romance and sensuality.ĬREATORS: William J. The lives and loves of a wide variety of characters mingle through the generations, dominated by the Newman, Abbott, Baldwin and Winters families.

Actorul Peter Bergman, care-l interpreteaz pe Jack Abbott în telenovela de mare succes, a dezvluit, pentru site-ul, c lucrul la un asemenea proiect n-a fost decât o mare bucurie pentru care el este etern recunosctor. Tânr i nelinitit, Dragoste i putere, Lege i Ordine, Doctor Who sau The Simpsons sunt printre cele mai longevive seriale fcute vreodat. It revolves around the rivalries, romances, hopes and fears of the residents of the fictional Midwestern metropolis, Genoa City. Din culisele serialului Tânr i nelinitit. Now celebrating it’s 50th season on the CBS Television Network, The Young and the Restless has been the number one daytime drama for 33 years.